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High quality facial imaging & analysis

VISIA® Skin Analysis system captures high-quality images to document your skin's progress over time and measures and analyses red or brown marks, wrinkles, skin texture, pores, UV spots under the skin, pigmentation on the surface of the skin, red areas, inflammation and the presence of bacteria in the skin. 


Based on this analysis, skincare and treatment recommendations personalized to your skin condition can be made accurately to ensure a superior end result.


Other useful features include Truskin age® measurement in which your biological skin age can be determined, an advanced aging simulator, an injectables simulator, and comparisons of the condition of your skin to the largest skin database in the world. 


Your pictures, recommendations and treatment progress can be viewed in the privacy of your own home through an online portal.

Quantitative Analysis & Visual Assessment


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Hormonal & UV-induced pigmentation

Pitted Acne Scarring

Enlarged Pores

Vascular Dilation
(Broken Capillaries)

Stretch Marks

Red Acne Scarring
& Inflammation

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Blond Woman

Surgical/Trauma Scarring



Skin Rejuvenation


What is the pre-care?

  • Before the treatment ensure no botox and filler treatments at least 2 weeks prior, no Retin-A or retinol products have been used at least 5 days prior and no harsh treatments such as chemical peels or IPL at least 14 days before treatment.

  • The skin must be pre-treated with at least a medical-grade retinol and vitamin C 4 weeks prior to treatment to strengthen the skin and prevent hyperpigmentation, scarring and other adverse effects. 


What is the post-care?

  • After the treatment do not use products containing AHAs, BHAs, Retin-A, retinol, vitamin C or any other harsh ingredients until the skin is no longer sensitive, avoid excessive heat on the skin e.g. hot baths, showers and saunas and avoid heavy workouts for 24-48 hours, do not exfoliate the area or use abrasive wash cloths for 24-48 hours. Your skin will be more susceptible to UV rays after treatment so avoid sun exposure and wear SPF 50+ sunscreen even on cloudy days. Makeup, dirty facial tools e.g. brushes and fragrances may irritate the skin and cause contact dermatitis. Wait 7 days before hair removal. 

  • A medical-grade gentle cleanser and SPF must be used until the skin is no longer sensitive (5-7 days).


Am I suitable for this treatment?

  • Contraindications to treatment include but not limited to diabetes, cancer, sunburn or windburned skin, active acne or rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, raised moles, warts, open wounds or sores, autoimmune diseases, skin infections, bleeding disorders and the inability for blood to coagulate following injury. Certain medications including blood thinners, higher dosages of Aspirin, and Accutane are contraindicated for this treatment due to increased sensitivity and/or the possibility of delayed clotting. 

  • Not suitable during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Do I need numbing cream?

  • Numbing cream is not recommended as it slows down the production of growth factors in the skin compromising the results of the treatment. The device that is used has low vibrations ensuring a comfortable treatment even without numbing. 


Face (including eye area)   






Neck & Decolletage




Body Areas e.g. stomach, hips, upper arms


Prescriptive skincare set (required skin preparation)


Add On: Anti-redness Post-treatment Mask


Add On: Red LED Therapy



N.B. Treatment cannot be performed without a skin consultation and 2-4 weeks of skin preparation depending on skin type






Price determined during consultation





Smooth Shiny Skin

Book a free consultation

Our medically-trained Dermal Clinicians will work with you to understand your goals and design a individualised treatment plan for you. Starting with a free VISIA Skin Analysis scan (valued at $60), your clinician will incorporate the latest holistic medical advice, in-clinic treatments, nutraceuticals, prescriptive skincare and/or prescriptive medications (if you so choose) to help you to achieve fast and effective results. You are in control.


7 Days

10am - 8pm


By appointment only

After-hours appointments available upon request

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© 2024 Prestons Hydrafacial | ABN 89 852 237 329
Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge and education only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.
*Individual results may vary. Results are not guaranteed.

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